Cartoons and Satire

Observations about events, politics, trends and technology expressed through cartoons.--------------- Comments send to:

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012


The alarm is starting to go up. An ignored reality is becoming highly visible. An article in the newspaper was sounding the alarm that a segment of White society was becoming a permanent under class like some in minority segments. Everyone points their finger at the same “boogey man” – marriage, specifically the lack thereof. The politicians competing for the nomination make this a recurring theme.

Let us step back and identify the reasons for marriage. The reasons are financial opportunities and emotional stability. In the case of minorities, a large segment are under employed with poor financial opportunities. Many have been convicted of felonies and lack basic educational skills. Much of their entertainment revolves around degradation of the female. From a female perspective, what is the advantage of marriage if it will not enhance your opportunities and will relegate you to bondage? From a male perspective it increases baggage with little gain.       

The financial opportunity shoe is visibly falling on Whites too, especially those outside major urban areas.  The local factories have disappeared with no employment replacements. The marriage rate has plunged among this young group commensurate with their prospects. A spiraling downward economic condition is occurring.  It is interesting to note that the marriage rate is increasing among the well off. MARRIAGE IS LINKED TO ECONOMICS.

People want to point the finger of  the America problem everywhere but where it should be. The problem is financial. Curing the financial problem will cause the social problems to lessen. The free wheeling approach to Capitalism does not work and results in increasing economic and social disparities. It makes you wonder why the politicians keep telling us the answer is to “double down” on Capitalism [increase the investment in laissez-faire capitalism]? This defies logic. You cannot keep doing something that is failing and expect a different outcome.

The answer for America, and the rest of those steeped in capitalism, is probably a strongly socialist society that will address the inequities. Americans have been conditioned to reject this idea. But the younger people under 30 years of age are not wedded to this system of things. Their driver is opportunity and it sours for them more every day under the current system. 

There will be an “American Spring”.  I am not alone in this belief. There was a cartoon in the newspaper recently where a new executive was being hired. They were listing the job perks. The cartoon focused on the bunker available when things go to hell in revolt of the economic disparity.


Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Green Hills

In the science fiction of our fantasies of other worlds, especially Mars, we talk of “terraforming”. A term meaning to change a planet to be more “earth-like” for human habitation. It is highly unlikely we will have the technical capability to do so. Nor will we have the patience to wait millenniums for a process to unfold. Even with extrapolating our current rate of technical prowess a century ahead, we will not be capable of “terraforming”.  

But if our biological research continues at an arithmetic pace, we will likely be in an era of biological engineering renaissance. What is far more likely is that we would craft our own DNA with native entities of another world to allow survival in that environment without artificial means. We would also try to maintain as much of our earth-like original DNA unmodified as possible.  

I would think that the complete original DNA model would be encapsulated in the new species in some way so that it will always be available if needed. Perhaps it will be a string of archived biological code in a portion of the brain or some other critical organ. It would be replicated and passed on from generation to generation intact. 

I think an advanced entity would be even beyond this approach. I think they would seed space with dormant nano-like bots or spores. The bots or spores would activate whenever they reached a suitable environment. They would propagate in a “von Neumann” fashion. The bots or spores would form the infra-structure necessary and evolve creating what is desired, just like a stem cells. 

The seeds could travel dormant on solar winds in space for millions of years. It might be a case of the creation out living the creator.


Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Culture dictates perspective and cultures evolve and change. 

Throughout human history children have not been viewed as they are today in the industrialized world and particularly America. Today nothing is put on a pinnacle as high as children in the larger society.

Historically children have not been valued high. They have been an added burden on survival. Their value was only in what they could add to that survival effort. There was also a high mortality rate of the young that contributed to the wait and see attitude.  

Even in America this was true. Young children were ignored and had to generally fend for themselves.  It was not until the age of about twelve they were considered worthwhile. A boy could work the fields or in a factory and do a man’s labor. A girl could assume the mantle of a woman. 

What has caused the cultural change in the industrialized world toward children? The answer is that up until relatively recently the birth rate was considerably higher. My grandmother had eight children. American families and families in the industrialized world were much larger. As industrialization improved lives the birthrates dropped.  

In most industrialized Caucasian dominated nations the birthrate today is not enough to insure a replacement of the existing population. America is one of the very few exceptions. But it is not just Caucasian industrialized nations. Japan is one of the worst off with falling birthrates. Even China is starting to grow concern over future birthrates.

There is a definite linkage of birthrates to prosperity. The corollary is the proportion of esteem accorded children. That begs a question? What happens to birthrates when the prosperity decidedly falters?  I guess here in America we are going to find out. This hypothesis will be put to the test. For the overwhelming majority of the American population their prosperity is falling with no apparent redress.

Elvis Presley sang a song entitled, “In the Ghetto”. Irrespective of race, it may be a testament of how children in the changed economic environment will be viewed and fare.  Check out the lyrics.
