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Tuesday, April 02, 2013

If Mitt Romney had won

If Mitt Romney had won the Presidential election, his Administration would be basking in the adoration of an improved economy. He would be taking credit for a lower jobless rate, a housing sector improvement, increased business spending and a surging stock market. There would have been no “Sequester”. The upbeat financial situation would allow pushing through the Conservative agenda. But as they say on those late night sales pitches …” but there is more”.

The Romney Administration would be trying to resist the neo-conservative hawks. The Hawks would want intervention in Syria. They would want an attack of Iran. They would want a direct confrontation with China. Romney would be looking at what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He would be thinking about the evolving fall out from the “Arab Spring”. More importantly he would be keeping his fingers crossed that World War III does not start on his watch.

Few Americans realize how precarious the situation with North Korea is at this point. We have consistently over the years misread their intentions. Today the government is downplaying the catastrophe that might take place. A Romney Administration would see it as a jeopardy to its domestic agenda. They know they cannot avoid being drawn in with a significant North Korean provoking. Other nations would see it as an opportunity to enhance their position with America by provoking situations of their own that further stretch resources. The other nations can use this angst as a bargaining chip. It would not be just Iran, but Israel and many others. America would find itself surrounded by a herd of restless cats nipping at its heels.

Perhaps North Korea’s belligerence is directed at the new administration in China too. China may have signaled they want change or greater control of North Korea. China would be forced to respond to significant American action in regards to Korea in some way. China would likely avoid direct military action. It has an arsenal of things it could do. America would need to placate China quickly to keep things from spinning completely out of control. America would probably immediately allow Chinese sovereign wealth funds to buy things considered strategic assets as a bribe.

Mitt Romney's domestic platform would be crafted to reward major election supporters. He would eviscerate the National Labor Relations Board, the EPA, the EEOC, and consumer watchdog agencies. He would reduce the effective tax rate of the wealthiest and dismantle public education. Religious initiatives would be instituted in public education. He would privatize social security, repeal Roe vs. Wade, shift more NASA funding and work to the Pentagon, fully militarize the southern border and enlarge the Medicare doughnut hole.

However most Americans would feel comforted that the Nation is back in the hands of a traditional White American.



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