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Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Culture dictates perspective and cultures evolve and change. 

Throughout human history children have not been viewed as they are today in the industrialized world and particularly America. Today nothing is put on a pinnacle as high as children in the larger society.

Historically children have not been valued high. They have been an added burden on survival. Their value was only in what they could add to that survival effort. There was also a high mortality rate of the young that contributed to the wait and see attitude.  

Even in America this was true. Young children were ignored and had to generally fend for themselves.  It was not until the age of about twelve they were considered worthwhile. A boy could work the fields or in a factory and do a man’s labor. A girl could assume the mantle of a woman. 

What has caused the cultural change in the industrialized world toward children? The answer is that up until relatively recently the birth rate was considerably higher. My grandmother had eight children. American families and families in the industrialized world were much larger. As industrialization improved lives the birthrates dropped.  

In most industrialized Caucasian dominated nations the birthrate today is not enough to insure a replacement of the existing population. America is one of the very few exceptions. But it is not just Caucasian industrialized nations. Japan is one of the worst off with falling birthrates. Even China is starting to grow concern over future birthrates.

There is a definite linkage of birthrates to prosperity. The corollary is the proportion of esteem accorded children. That begs a question? What happens to birthrates when the prosperity decidedly falters?  I guess here in America we are going to find out. This hypothesis will be put to the test. For the overwhelming majority of the American population their prosperity is falling with no apparent redress.

Elvis Presley sang a song entitled, “In the Ghetto”. Irrespective of race, it may be a testament of how children in the changed economic environment will be viewed and fare.  Check out the lyrics.



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