Cartoons and Satire

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The flame

When is a candle it’s brightest? Just moments before it goes out.

Despite all the regurgitated rhetoric over the virtues of private enterprise, capitalism is on it’s death bed. In a generation it will hold the same dismissal that communism enjoys today. It will be a victim of social Darwinism. As in the wild, an organism seeks to advantage itself. This is also true of economic systems. The more power and control it gathers, the more easily it can gather more. Just like in the wild, some times you can literally eat yourself to death.

A system of natural checks and balances often work in the wild. If the numbers of a species  become too great, the predictors increase. In economic terms as power increases, checks through competition and regulation must take place. What we have witnessed over the last half century is a return of the Gilead Age [a laissez-faire economic free for all]. It is an absence of effective economic checks and balances.

The generation soon to move into middle age is feeling the effects of the economic disparity. It is losing faith in both the political and judicial system. They are young enough not to be able to reminisce about an American golden age which drives Conservative ideology. They do not have a vested stake in a rosy pass honed over a life time. They are experiencing one hollow promise after another.  They watch old movies and videos supposedly reflecting a wealthier time in the nation’s history and wonder why not now?

Soon they will turn with a vengeance on religiosity, a main stay of the status quo. They will stop seeking a political Messiah to lead them to a nirvana in this system of things. They will throw off the yoke of the past that is pulling them down. The people will be the proverbial Nero. Capitalism will be on the pyre atop the sacrificial altar. The fires will burn throughout the Western world.

To the evangelist of Capitalism I say, "...those most bathed by the light are least likely to believe the night cometh". 
