Cartoons and Satire

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Losing Sleep

Ever wonderful what is the greatest fear of the political establishment in America during a major election campaign?  The greatest fear is a game changer totally outside their control that negates the very system of things.  In other words, something that instantly throws society in unimaginable flux and destroys the underlying institutions.


The caldera at Yellowstone national park.  A caldera is a large pocket of molten lava that sits on top of a volcano very close to the surface. The Yellowstone caldera is reportedly one of the largest. It could erupt at anytime. It would destroy much of the surrounding states. It would also produce so much smoke and ash there will be a world wide global cooling for years. Crops would fail. People will starve and the American financial system would collapse.

A virus epidemic with a US epicenter. One as deadly as the Spanish flu that starts killing millions with a better than 50% mortality rate. The death toll and heath care requirements would bring society to its knees.

The acknowledgement of aliens. The psychological shock to society would be incalculable.

The convection water currents in the North Atlantic slowing to the point of failing to keep Europe and northern latitudes warm. This would create a financial contagion of the global market far worst than the European debt crisis.

Another financial crisis like 2008. There will be no way to block the flood of financial regulation in its wake due to incrimination.  Laissez-faire capitalism would be demonized.

A nuclear weapon being discharged. It would result in a race by other nations to achieve nuclear parody. It would shift the geopolitical landscape.

Things of this dramatic nature will cause the anticipated election wedge issues to pale into irreverence, such as healthcare, national debt, jobs, religion and cultural war. 

The media would be dominated by the expanding tragedy. Blame would be the first order of the day. But that would give way quickly. People will be focused on one thing, survival. They would be united in looking for government help.
