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Sunday, August 07, 2011


No government is likely as prepared as the Vatican for an alien revelation.  The Vatican has had centuries of experience dealing with revelations that test the doctrines of faith. The Vatican has also been blessed with the intellectually astute in its monasteries and later scientist and mathematicians in its inter sanctum for centuries. They would have advised long ago the possibility of aliens is real and discovery only a matter of time.

The Vatican has enjoyed a great deal of time to analyze its doctrines to determine which would be most impacted. They have carefully crafted how doctrines would be modified or emphasis shifted to maintain the faith. A constantly updated list of authorized communicators is kept. The communicators are skillfully trained. 

In today’s world the challenge for the Vatican will be navigating through the mind field of Evangelistic doctrine. There will be many adherents professing the appearance of Satan. They will command center stage with their vaulted American financial positions. The other major Western religious denominations will take an agnostic stance. More ambivalent will be the Jewish, Muslin, Hindu and Buddhist religions. However their doctrines can easily accommodate flexibility on the issue. 

Why this obsession with aliens? There has been enough smoke in terms of information to suggest there is something to it. The tobacco industry for decades was able to continue to market cigarettes without significant attention being given to the disastrous health effects. They successfully addicted whole generations giving them away to soldiers in both world wars. They made certain cigarettes were prominently displayed in movies. They set up institutes and paraded experts to debunk detrimental heath claims about cigarettes. Their strategy of ridicule and denial worked. Why would it not work for the government?

Recently a prominent Congressmen claimed the worst cyber breech in America had occurred.  It was done by a somewhat retarded British citizen using a 56K modem. He breeched the Pentagon system searching for information about UFOs and aliens. The British thought he should get a slap on the hands given his mental condition. However, he was extradited to America after America practically threatened war. He has been hidden since his arrival and held incommunicado. Seems a bit extreme! Trying to keep a secret while fanning the flames does not work.

The Vatican has outlived other nations and endured for a reason.



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