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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I keep forgetting why

I keep forgetting why, until I recall the words of a Physicist. He was teaching the graduate math class I was taking years ago. He said we would never study math newer than a century. He sited examples and said the newer mathematics are the purview of the theoretical. It takes time to move out of that realm into acceptance.

I have been watching in recent years far out things that stand up to scientific proofs.  In my mind I wonder why they are not incorporated in our popular understandings and teachings?

The answer to my question is that many of these things are not “Newtonian”. They defy orthodoxy, conventional wisdom and logic. Our system of understandings would be under attack if we acknowledge these things. But if we do not acknowledge them, can we get closer to truth?

A simple case is the synapses of the brain. They function to transmit information. Experimental data is suggesting there is quantum entanglement involved [things happening between entities with no attachments]. But you can not very well add this to conventional wisdom. Conventional wisdom has not embraced the whole concept of quantum entanglement. 

Another case is that there is scientific proofs for a “sixth sense”. Yet, this has never gotten beyond paranormal and science fiction movies. Despite the fact the military quietly takes it very seriously.

To become conventional wisdom, new knowledge must navigate religion and culture. This sometimes takes decades. Today these items would be dangling participles in our mosaic of understanding. The other problem is that increasingly leading edge research is being performed in other countries. Then we run in to, “the not invented here”, syndrome. 

My overall impression of what I see with new knowledge is that our current understandings are seriously flawed. This is creating scotomas to advancement.  Shakespeare summed it up. 

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
 "Hamlet", Act 1 scene 5



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