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Friday, July 08, 2011

The Promise Land

A land of myth and promise. A desired destination for over a century. The fulfillment of fantasy. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. We now dance in a spiraling circle of our bad choices. Each pause representing reason results in an increased frenzied restarting. 

We are the Israelites marching in the wilderness. The baby boomer generation that is the steward of conservatism. Seeking youth through a resurrection of the way things were at an earlier time of our lives. It is a shrewd memory. We have forged a golden calf of ideology. We gather manna from heaven in return on investments. 

This generation will die in the wilderness denied Eldorado. Our legacy will be our sins of commission, omission and disenfranchised generations of the promise. 

Will there be a Joshua and Caleb? 



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