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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Israel’s Position

Israel today is the fourth or fifth most powerful technological military and nuclear power in the world. They have no need to negotiate. Any negotiation would be asymmetrical from their point of view. Israel has all the marbles.

The power elite in Israel are made up of non-indigenous peoples. Most of the immigrants over the last few decades to Israel are Caucasians from Russia and Eastern Europe. They see the darker skinned peoples, especially the Palestinians, as something to be excluded. They declare Israel is a “White” nation.

The power elite are in a recognized land grab. They no longer honor previous agreements, such as those involving Jerusalem with the Palestinians. Efforts to declare their actions in Gaza  as human rights violations and genocide by international bodies are consistently blocked by one nation. America blocks all international questioning and condemnation of Israel. It uses it veto to block any UN resolutions. Things will remain the same, as long as the American Jewish tail representing Israel, can wag the American dog and America remains powerful. American politics are captured by the wealthy Jewish establishment. No one is immune from the power of the Jewish establishment in America, not even Glen Beck.

Israel has absolutely no intention of negotiating peace. Its sights are on a Palestinian and Middle Eastern fiefdom. At some point Israel is going to become so powerful it no longer needs America. When that happens, the Conservatives and Evangelist will be in shock as Israel dictates to America.

Israel’s avowed goal today is a return to “empire”.



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