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Wednesday, December 07, 2011

The Book

The religious pontiffs admonish their followers that they must accept, “…every jot and title” of the Bible [Matthew 5:18; Luke 16:17]. This means you must accept everything it says without question. Why?

The Bible, its historical origins and even the texts themselves contains flaws. The inconsistencies are through out. The book is also referenced outside its historical context. Assigning divinity to the book eliminates any need to consider its problematic nature.

An anagram results from the questioning: if anything in the Bible is subject to question, everything is as well; if an error, then what is truth? You can quickly see how questioning will stumble acolytes and dissuade converts.

There is no inherent problem viewing the Bible as an absolute by the faithful. The problem comes in when this believed “absolute” is applied in the temporal realm. The book becomes subject to the very quantitative and qualitative analysis of “…every jot and title” it seeks to avoid. It utterly fails this test. The failure portrays the believers as purely delusional.

There is another Biblical saying that the believers would be better served to adhere. It is located in Mark 12:17, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” The message is not to mix the two. Too bad our politicians do not adhere to this in their quest for votes.



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