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Friday, March 11, 2011

Which will it be?

Perhaps we are missing the big picture.  Perhaps there are hidden hands that guide this nation. Traditionally they have done so surreptitiously by proxy – up until now.

Maybe they orchestrated our involvement in World War I as a demonstration of our military power to keep European interests at bay.

There is an underlying current that will not go away about World II. Was Pearl Harbor and our involvement really contrived? Was the intent to get a piece of the action in a reformatted geo-political Europe?

In the early 1960s people were afraid. Their world was collapsing. The youth were dropping out of society and rejecting traditional values. The new young leaders disdained tradition. It seemed all they fought for and sacrificed during World War II was a waste. President John Kennedy was the symbol of the new. He is assassinated. He was replaced by a conservative, Johnson. Johnson did several things to restore the balance. He hired a tremendous number of government workers, making them stakeholders in the status quo. He forced a war upon the younger generation to take their heads out of the clouds. The war sent a fresh flush of cash to the military industrial complex.

America was humbled by the oil embargo and the nation came to the brink of a financial crash. The solution was to make people feel good. That was the message of Reagan. But it was smoke and mirrors. He created the largest deficit of the times and systematically transferred wealth upward. He also shifted a higher percentage of the GDP to a military build up.

Bill Clinton succeeded George Bush the elder. Irrespective of party designations, the net result was two conservatives preserving the status quo. 

In the down turn after the optimism of the 1990s, the hidden hands may have decided drastic measures were needed to preserve the status quo. The solution was to keep the economy afloat by the constant interest rate lowering of Alan Greenspan. Expand the stake holders in the system by making homeownership much easier. Make businesses and wealthy individuals happy by gratuitous government give-a-ways.

It seems the bigger picture has been one of sustaining the nation. But the last decade is different. It almost appears that the hidden sustainers of today have decided to directly take things into their own hands. They have come out of the wood work and made their presence known. They are no longer content with proxy results. They are taking a direct and visible hand like the Koch brother billionaires.  Their agenda is unabashedly clear.

The controllers have created a police state under the guise of homeland security. They control the message and the means of delivery. Now they have come out in the open taking over the government. In the past they feared people would revolt over obvious control. But they have learned to keep the people off balance in a constant state of fear. People will give up a lot to achieve a belief of security.

The question now is which is the bigger driver of these people today, the nation or pure greed? If it is the latter, and I suspect it is, we have been witnessing the biggest looting of the American public trusts. They are creating a situation that will culminate in the American empire going the way of The Soviet Union.



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