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Monday, July 20, 2009

Adding UpThere are some things that just do not seem viable to me. They are like someone insisting that the equation “1 + 2 + 3 = 2”. Every time I question the result they point to the answer is “2” on the far side of the equal sign. They get exasperated and ridicule my questioning what they would have me believe is the obvious result.

In my Euclidean view some things do not align. The Kennedy assassination is one such case. The numbers in the equation are Lee Harvey Oswald, the grassy knoll, Jack Ruby, the first group of examining physicians for the autopsy of the President, and the Warren Commission. The offered answer is a single individual and no conspiracy. Forget the answer and look at the discreet numbers in the equation.

The suggested assassin gets killed before any real questioning

The killer of the supposed assassin dies very quickly of cancer

The original examining physicians involved in the autopsy are transferred or clam up. The evidence of photos and artifacts disappear or are substituted (this is still whispered today).

The Warren Commission put the stamp of secrecy on the whole affair and said the facts could not be released until some distant period in the future.

I think it may have been a coup d'état within America. The main players were the military, Hoover of the FBI, certain congressional factions and the CIA. Organized crime was the tool. They set the stage for the installation of someone more inline with the traditional view of things. What would tip all these players to align? Kennedy was about to do something that they could not in their philosophy ever allow. I have narrowed it down to two circumstances. The first might have been some sort of accommodation with the Soviet Union. The other circumstance I will hold for awhile.

We are celebrating the moon landing. Again I am struck with the numbers.

The Soviet Union was ahead of America in space technology and were years away from a moon landing.

From a purely military point of view, the moon was too good a strategic weapons platform to ever abandon. Especially with the Soviet Union hot on the heels with their own moon landing.

There are seeming inconsistencies in the moon landing photos.

I conclude either we never landed on the moon and faked the whole thing or we landed and discovered something so devastating we decided not to stay. We know from cultural anthropology, that contacts between different civilizations, has dramatic results. The most advanced completely eclipses the latter. One of the Astronauts is recorded as saying there was something/someone already on the moon.

The other circumstance that might precipitate a coup d'état in America would be Kennedy about to announce to the world “we are not alone”. The secrecy level might have been so high that only the President could declassify the revelation. Now remember who was in line to become President after Johnson, Bobby Kennedy.


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