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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Reorder society

There is a curious situation that is occurring. It could be a harbinger of social change.

The new movie, Transporters, has become an instant run away success. This is despite universal rejection by critics. It is not the only movie, device or service that has proved the critics wrong. The movies and these devices are designed with the under 25 years of old in mind.

The critics are most all over 30 years of age, and in some cases considerably older. They are products of the social aura of the 1980s and earlier. If we define “conservative” as purely the preservation of culture, there may be trouble on the horizon. There seems to be a decided schism in the cultural perspective of the under 25 with that of the over 30 years of age. It could pose a major problem for the GOP in the longer term. Their conservative base venerates a culture formalized by the 1950s and that culture may be on the verge of evaporating as a force in society. But the change crosses party lines and eventually might fundamentally reorder society.



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