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Monday, March 09, 2009

Science Magazines

In one of my nostalgia forays a couple of years ago I picked up a subscription to Popular Science Magazine on ebay for the unbelievable price of $5.00 dollars. When I was a lad I was trilled speculating on the scientific vistas in the magazine.

But the was yester-year. Popular Science Magazine today represents popularized “science’. While “Discover” magazine represents exploring science and nature. Popular Science Magazine is the equivalent today of fast food high in calories and cholesterol. It is a quick fix display of mostly fantasy wrapped in a deluge of advertisements. You have to look sharply at the pages to pick out the articles. Discover Magazine on the other hand, is a literate exploration of vanguard science and nature themes. It presents things you are not very likely to come across in other venues or in authoritative detail, yet extremely weighty, in science and social terms.

The newsstand price for Popular Science Magazine is $4.99 an issue. The annual on sale subscription price from the publisher is $36.00 dollars. Guess what? I will not buy it again at even $5.00 dollars. I see absolutely no reason to pay to be advertised and gorge in a state of nescience.


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