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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Faith in the Phoenix

In the year 2008 of our lord, Capitalism slipped into the netherworld with Communism. Outside its pantheon nations now shovel stimulus money, while acolytes march round in a circle chanting, “this will pass, our wealth will flow”.

A prophet is without honor in his own land. An obscured voice competes to be heard over the chant saying, “…what if it doesn’t?”. The daemon has spoken and they rally to excise the thought. They place a pole made of rolled balance sheets in a clear space. They tie him to the pole with ropes of devalued currency. They gather up the combustibles of regulation legislation and pile it at his feet. They light the pyre with a match of taxes. The flame of profits flickers to life.

The stock market continues to fall, the earth shakes and the stones of the pantheon tumble. The acolytes flee screaming from the falling ruble. The fire of the pyre is extinguished as the torrent of failed business plans rain from the sky. There is desolation and ashes everywhere. The acolytes stumble about as in a trace. They fall on their knees and wail. Not enough stimulus money to go around and there are strings attached. Shotgun marriages of mergers and acquisitions are made and Darwinism reigns.

There will be no phoenix. A new economic epoch approaches.


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